The state of remote work at eXo (Infographic)

With remote work becoming the norm, we’ve decided to conduct an internal survey to assess our employees’ well-being,  to see how it has been so far and if there are any changes that need to be made.
We made this same survey last year right after the confinement to check how eXoers were coping with the generalized work from home.


This year the survey received 41 responses (versus 48 last year), enough data to gather some insights.
We wanted to examine a lot of aspects regarding the work from home experience such as:

Balance and health

One of the common pitfalls when starting remote work is the trap of overwork. We tend to easily forget how to balance work and private life resulting in feeling tired, stressed and having difficulties to get rest and fuel energy.
Finding a balance is an active process, that’s why one should commit to always take breaks even when nobody’s passing by to invite, manage to instantly shift to family mode and not reopen the computer after dinner.
The good news is that remote work offers a lot of flexibility. It’s an opportunity to change the usual schedule and schedule health/administrative appointments, ran errands and organise the day according to priorities.
At eXo, A large majority (85.4%) feel well or very well settled at home and that’s a great improvement compared to the 68.8% we had last year. That’s great, but we had to better understand the reasons for others for whom it’s still not great.


Time management plays a huge role in being efficient and productive but so do the tools we work with. This includes the equipment (internet connection, laptop, headsets, an office chair) and the processes (collaborative tools, video conferencing, chat, tasks, etc).

More than 90% of eXoers said they are able to get work done entirely from home and feel well equipped for remote work.
Around 80% feel efficient with a better capacity to work asynchronously, and a better using of collaboration tools.

Organizational support

Teammates and manager support has a great impact on employee engagement and collaboration. We believe that it’s one of our strengths at eXo and we’re doing our best to keep up with that.
Support helps employees feel closer to their peers but also to their managers and helps newcomers to easily make bounds and feel ‘at home’ especially in such circumstances.
Most teams (85%) maintain regular meetings (daily/weekly) and more than 90% feel supported by their managers and colleagues.
Now let’s have a deeper look:
remote work
Even though remote working might seem challenging, benefits are not to be ignored. A lot of eXoers are planning to adopt remote work even after the pandemic.
As for us, we’ll do our best to make more adjustments and enhancements in order to maximise the benefits of remote work and optimise our employee experience.
Feel free to share your experience with us regarding remote work and suggest tips on how you’ve dealt with it.
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I am the product officer at eXo. I oversee product management and product marketing. My teams design, create and promote the features of and improvements to eXo Platform. As a former enterprise software developer turned product manager, I have a passion for how IT can improve people’s lives. In this blog, I write about some of my personal interests, such as productivity, alternative forms of management and corporate organisations, collaboration, open-source and emerging technologies.
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