Best practices for effective internal communications (Infographic)

Building a successful company culture is similar to building a house. It requires a solid foundation so it doesn’t collapse.
Internal communications strategy, if planned clearly and structured right, can strengthen your cultural foundation and thus enhance your employee engagement and improve your retention rate—to name but a few benefits.
internal communications
Most leaders don’t recognize the importance of good communications, yet they would never begin their day thinking that they will purposely ignore their employees.
But choosing to be ignorant will suffice to cause significant costs to one’s organization. The damages of ineffective communications, miscommunications and no communication in some cases can only hinder productivity and stifle growth and development.
The challenge is getting even greater nowadays as the dynamics are changing among the younger generations. Today’s workforce is increasingly concerned about how their employers talk and listen to them. They demand transparency, feedback and a pleasant working environment.
In a nutshell, they’re working differently. The old ways will no longer open the doors to a high level of efficiency, strong corporate culture, success and high ROI.
So what can leaders do to become better communicators?
Based on our experience, our clients’ success stories and a host of research, we have come up with a mini-guide on how to face internal communications challenges and reap the benefits of a successful internal communications strategy.
internal communications



Copyright © eXo Platform
Graphic :
Ali bhiri

Author  :
Nouha Blagui

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I am a marketer and social media junkie. I work to optimise eXo’s online brand with content, social media technologies and digital marketing. I mainly write cartoons but I am also a big fan of topics related to internal communications in the digital workplace. I would love to connect with you, so get in touch and join our LinkedIn group ‘Intranet & Digital Workplace’.
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