Step-by-step integration of eXo Platform SSO via SAML2 with Keycloak Step-by-step integration of eXo Platform SSO via SAML2 with Keycloak eXo Platform eXoPlatform - how toTutorial
Safely manage the database for your eXo add-ons with Liquibase Maven Plugin Safely manage the database for your eXo add-ons with Liquibase Maven Plugin eXoPlatform - how toTutorial
Liquibase: modify a change set Liquibase: modify a change set eXo Platform uses Liquibase to manage its eXoPlatform - how toTutorial
How we migrate 350+ Maven CI jobs to Pipeline as Code with Jenkins 2 and Docker! How we migrate 350+ Maven CI jobs to Pipeline as Code with eXoPlatform - how toTutorial
How to Write a Good Functional Specification How to Write a Good Functional Specification Functional specifications are an essential eXoPlatform - how toTutorial
Apache 2 or Nginx as a highly secure (PFS) SSL encrypting reverse proxy for eXo Platform 4.0 Apache 2 or Nginx as a highly secure (PFS) SSL encrypting reverse eXoPlatform - how toTutorial